17. November 15:00 - 18:00

AI Governance: with young people, views on the future use of AI

17. November 2022

15:00 - 18:00

Računalniški muzej

Celovška cesta 111, 1000 Ljubljana

About the event and registration

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Wondering what Google, Alexa and Roomba are doing with the data they collect about our lives? All three are supposed to make our lives easier, but at what cost? How can we ensure that our data is used safely and without abuse? How do we set boundaries and safeguards?

DIH Slovenia invites you to the final AI Governance event on Thursday 17 November 2022 at 3 pm at the Computer Museum, where students from different fields of study will have the opportunity to make a significant contribution to the development of guidelines for the regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This event is part of a series of events held at the Digital Centre of Slovenia over the past year during Slovenia's Presidency of the Council of the EU.

Students of law, computer science, philosophy, electrical engineering, sociology, mathematics and other disciplines are invited to present their views on how AI should be developed and used in the future. The meeting offers you the opportunity to exchange views and participate in a multidisciplinary discussion where different points of view will be exchanged and argued in guided group discussions.

The event will be structured in three parts:

1. A short presentation of AI concepts, use cases and regulatory proposals.

2. Workshop - guided discussion with moderators

3. Roundtable discussion with moderators and summary of conclusions

With your opinion, you can have a significant impact on the development of AI regulation, which will have a greater impact on our lives and business. Take the opportunity to present your point of view, which will have a significant impact on the challenges in your future work.

WHO: Senior undergraduate and postgraduate students welcome

WHAT: The introductory part of the workshop will provide the basic concepts needed for the discussion. The workshop will be a moderated discussion between mixed groups of students from different faculties, where we will work together to come to conclusions on how to develop and use AI in the future, based on practical examples.

The workshop will give you an overview of the guidelines for the development and use of AI in practice and will give you the opportunity to feed your suggestions into the Slovenian position paper.

You can read more about the guidelines HERE.

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