The DIGI-SI consortium, coordinated by the University of Maribor/DIH UM, consists of six partners, namely, the Jožef Stefan Institute, DIH Slovenia, Technology Park Ljubljana, Arctur, ITC - Innovation and Technology Cluster Murska Sobota and TCS - Institute-Centre of the Slovenian Tool Cluster Celje. The establishment of EDIHs is a plan of the European Commission under the Digital Europe Programme with the aim of accelerating the digital breakthrough of the European Union (EU) or bringing digital technologies closer to businesses, citizens and public administrations in the EU.

More than €3.3 million will be made available for the digitisation of the Slovenian economy and public institutions

The DIGI-SI EDIH Consortium will also achieve digitalisation in all these areas by supporting business and public administrations in educating and raising awareness on what advanced digital technologies are and how they can be used to accelerate development and performance; experimenting before investing in advanced digital solutions; conducting digital maturity assessments of companies and organisations; connecting companies and organisations with researchers and the innovation ecosystem; and helping them to find funding.

Through the envisaged services, the EDIH DIGI-SI Consortium will focus on the implementation of selected digital technologies in the Slovenian and European economy and public sector.

The public sector will be able to upgrade its business operations, ensuring that current business processes are more efficient for all actors, and companies will have the opportunity to improve their position on the domestic, European and global market by digitising their processes, services and products, thus contributing to a higher added value of Slovenian products and services.

The DIGI-SI consortium's journey towards the EDIH title started after the decision was made at the 59th Ordinary Session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in February 2021, on the basis of the assessments of the inter-ministerial expert committee of the Ministry of Public Administration and the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, to propose the DIGI-SI consortium to the European Commission as the selected national candidate for the EDIH status. The DIGI-SI Consortium, with the University of Maribor at the helm, then started full steam ahead to prepare for the European application.

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